Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Sam's been unsteady walking for while now. Not so unsteady that I felt I had to be a crutch for him, but wobbly. This morning he fell. Hard. He was in the living room, sitting at his table, watching a show (probably Giada at Home), and I was in the kitchen washing dishes. I heard a crash and rushed toward the source of the sound. Sam was sitting on his bottom with his back up against a dining table chair. He had gotten up to come see me in the kitchen and fallen so hard the whole table was shifted over. He didn't cry. He wanted to get up. His bottom and back were hurting so we iced for a few minutes. 

Then he was fine. Except for the rest of the day he could hardly step without stumbling and swaying. He can't seem to figure out how to pick his feet up and put them down in way that makes any sense.

This is scary. Now he can't be alone. Like a mobile baby in an un-child-proofed house he must be supervised at all times. He doesn't get that he can't walk, so he just gets up and starts motoring. So I didn't shower today. I didn't run. I needed to change his bedding. I needed to do laundry. I needed to make dinner. I made him promise he would not try to get up as I ran from the the living room to the kitchen and back again completing one small task at a time to get dinner (Arugula Pesto, Ricotta, and  Smoked Mozzarella  Pizza, p. 65, Weeknights with Giada, and yes, Sam "helped") ready.

So we have hit a new low. This is scary, and it sucks. I asked my mother to come over for a couple of hours tomorrow so that I can get a few things done-like shower.

Oh yeah, and school starts tomorrow. Ben's starting his Senior year, Abby's starting her Freshman year, and Sam's not starting 3rd grade. What the hell do I do about the First Day of _____ Grade photo? What. The. Hell.

1 comment:

  1. Sending lots and lots of love to Sammy, John, Ben, Abby, and you... <3 <3 <3 <3
